Well it was the longest, coldest winter in 30 years, and all the flowers were weeks late in blooming. But spring weather is now here, and my gardens are alive with dozens of varieties of Buttercups, Saucer Magnolias, Bradford Pears, Forsythias, and Hawthornes in bloom.
It has also been a long winter in the Real Estate Business. It has been the worst Real Estate market of my 25 years in the business. And this winter of Real Estate has lasted for two and a half years. Starting in 2006 we began to see problems developing in California, Arizona and the West, Michigan and the Mid West, and Florida from the South which rolled into the Nashville, Hendersonville and Gallatin TN market like cold fronts passing through and dumping problems on Middle Tennessee. These problems started to slow our markets in August 2006 and inventories soared. Then the national economies collapsed in the fall of 2008 leaving us with the chill of foreclosures. I must confess at times I wondered if we would see improvement in my lifetime.
Then suddenly without warning starting three weeks ago in the first week of March there were signs of rebirth in the market. Our sales board which shows all the weeks sales, pendings, and closings completely filled and continued to fill for the following two weeks. In this same three weeks I received a dozen calls for listing appointments, and messages and Real Estate e-mails lit up my phone like a slot machine.
Well I know that good science and research require lots of data and large samples but from what I've seen with our company, and from my personal perspective we are seeing a return to more normal markets. So if you are reading this blog just remember you heard it here first. The Real Estate market is coming back. We have come to the end of our long Real Estate winter, and sales will soon be blooming again.
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