Frances Almany passed away last week. She left this earth in the same way she lived her life and ran her business... on her own terms.
Frances was one generation older than me in age and social outlook. She was the top selling agent in Sumner County when I entered the business. Frances was definiely "old school" in her approach to real estate. She probably went to her grave angry about the fact that contracts expanded from a one page to a twenty seven or more page document.
Frances never embraced the computer age. I would guess that she would have liked to have continued using her MLS book. For you younger agents the MLS book was the size of Nashville telephone books published weekly with all the active listings in the area. The books were used until to 1995 when MLS went to a net based system.
Yes, Frances was old school, but there was not another agent that I would rather conduct business with. Frances knew what was important; and that was cutting through the bull shit and getting the deal done. She knew what was best for her clients even when they did not.
When I was president of our local realtor organization I asked Frances to be on a panel of top producers for an association meeting. During the discussion I ask her for a word of advice for the newer agents in attendance. She said that everyone has major business disappointments. A good friend will list or buy from another agent, a big deal will fall through, etc. She said that when it happened to be her she only gave herself twenty four hours to grieve about it, then she gave it up and went on to something positive. I think this was also a life philosophy for her as well as a business philosophy.
When I was president of our local realtor organization I asked Frances to be on a panel of top producers for an association meeting. During the discussion I ask her for a word of advice for the newer agents in attendance. She said that everyone has major business disappointments. A good friend will list or buy from another agent, a big deal will fall through, etc. She said that when it happened to be her she only gave herself twenty four hours to grieve about it, then she gave it up and went on to something positive. I think this was also a life philosophy for her as well as a business philosophy.
Another way that Frances influenced me was as a role model for being a success. Every new agent gets their license then sets foot on a career path without a road map or GPS. I know when I entered the business I looked at the successful generation of realtors before me and tried to measure up to their success and win their acceptance as a peer. I have never been highly motivated by money so my drive to succeed was simply a competition with other realtors like a football or soccer match. My first goal was to be number one in my company, and my ultimate goal was to out sell Frances Almany. I achieved that goal in the mid 90's. I don't think Frances was very pleased with my accomplishment, but I was also grateful to her for setting the bar higher.
Real estate is an odd career. You are an independent contractor and there is no mandatory retirement age. Many of the agents who I looked up to when entering the business have passed on. Very few ever retired. Now that I am becoming one of the "old timers" they still chart courses for a career path that I hope to extend into my 70's.
Thanks Frances, I'll miss you!